Loksound 5, DCC Sound Decoder For Heljan OO Gauge AEC Railcar (GWR)

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  • Regular price £119.99

21 pin Loksound 5 decoder for a Heljan OO Gauge AEC railcar with many modern features including playable horn and manual brakes. This has been setup in the new Heljan model to work all the lights correctly.

Comes with a 27mm bass enhanced speaker which you can stick to the underside of the top pcb facing down.

  • F0 - Directional lights
  • F1 - Engine start
  • F2 - Playable horn
  • F3 - Short horn
  • F4 - Coupling up sound
  • F5 - Manual brake
  • F6 - Door open and close
  • F7 - Guard whistle
  • F8 - Guard to driver bell
  • F9 - Flange squeal
  • F10 - Rail noise
  • F11 - Second engine start
  • F12 - Windscreen wipers
  • F13 - Sanders
  • F14 - Turn off top headlight
  • F15 - Turn off end two lights
  • F16 - Turn off end one lights
  • F17 - Cab lights (turn off when moving)
  • F18 - Interior lights
  • F19 - Red at each end when parked