Sound for the Irish 141 (EMD 8-567) diesel loco. Choose either our own sound file adapted from an ESU sound file or Wheeltappers. See a video of our sound file below.
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Choose either the standard sugarcube speaker kit or a FREE speaker upgrade from the list.
Function list for Roads and Rails version.
- Engine
- Long horn
- Short horn
- Coupling up
- Brake
- Shunting mode (half speed)
- Compressor
- Drive lock
- Flange squeal
- Guards whistle
- Fan
- Sanders
- Rail clank
- Uncoupling cycle (Kadee shuffle)
- Spirax valves
- Short horn
- Station announcement
- Station announcement
- Aux 1
- Aux 2
- Aux 3
- Aux4
- Cab door
- Engine compartment door
- Handbrake
- Volume control